Depression I have completely stopped taking my anti-depression medication which has, whilst I was was using it, depleted of all energy and a bad memory and lack of concentration contrary to what they said it wou... Cannamed Depression
Chemo creates Leaky Blood Vessels helping Cancer Cells to Spread A new study adds to the evidence that chemotherapy enhances cancer’s spread beyond the primary tumor, showing how one chemo drug allows breast cancer cells to squeeze through and attach to blood vesse... Blood Vessels Breast Cancer Cancer Cancer Cells Chemo Chemotherapy Metastasis Tumor
South Africa to fast-track Regulations for the local Cannabis Industry Really good news from our South African President in his State of the Nation Address. “President Cyril Ramaphosa says that the government will fast-track regulations for the cannabis industry in South... Cannabis Cannabis Industry Hemp Policy Framework Regulations Regulatory Framework South Africa
CBD Oil versus Hemp Oil Since the approval of the first cannabidiol (CBD)-based drug, consumers have become increasingly interested in the benefits of hemp seed and CBD oils. First, it is important to note that there is a lo... CBD Oil Hemp Oil Hemp Seed Oil
"Runner’s high" may result from Molecules called Cannabinoids Many people have experienced reductions in stress, pain and anxiety and sometimes even euphoria after exercise. What’s behind this so-called “runner’s high”? New research on the neuroscience of exerci... Endocannabinoid Endorphins Euphoria Homeostasis Neuroscience Runner's High
Cannabinoids may Prevent Infection with SARS-CoV-2, including Variants A new study published in the Journal of Natural Products of the American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy has shown that isolated cannabinoids or those in hemp extracts have the ... Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Covid Infection SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Assessing the Therapeutic Efficacy of Cannabis & Cannabinoids Review of scientific literature highlights 450 studies assessing the therapeutic efficacy of cannabis and cannabinoids The report covers 23 different patient groups, including autism, chronic pain, di... Cannabinoids Cannabis Cannabis Studies Efficacy Whole Plant Cannabis
How long can you detect Cannabis in the body? Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical in cannabis that makes people feel “high.” Tests can detect THC in the body for several days or even weeks. The length of time this chemical stays in the bod... Drug Tests Marijuana THC Tetrahydrocannabinol
33 Health Benefits of Cannabis It Could Help You Lose Weight If you’re an avid Green fact reader, then you’re already aware that cannabis users have been shown to be slimmer, on average, than non-users. That’s because cannabis help... Cannabinoids Cannabis Health Lifestyle Natural Healing
The FACTS about Covid We may have to live with this virus for a long time so let's educate ourselves as best we can and learn how to live with it. The Covid-19 virus is a protein molecule (RNA/DNA) covered by a protective ... Coronavirus Covid Covid-19
Diabetes I have been a diabetic for about 15 years, also insulin dependent. I have used Cannamed's products for over a year and it has assisted me in decreasing my insulin usage. Their products are amazing.... Cannamed Diabetes Insulin
How can Pregnant Women Benefit by taking CBD? Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life. However, it comes laden with several unpleasant health conditions like insomnia, anxiety, headaches, cramping, stress, morning sickness... CBD Cannabidiol Pregnancy Pregnant Woman