Why the fuss about pH

Every person who has cancer has a pH that is too acidic.

In order to function at optimal level, the body has to be slightly alkaline. In such an environment, all cells, chemical reactions, immune system, and beneficial bacteria in the gut function much better. On the other hand, in an acidic environment, all systems fail to do their job as they are supposed to.

Science shows that when the body's pH levels become too acidic, a condition called acidosis, one becomes more prone to diseases like the following:

  • Weakened immunity
  • Premature aging
  • Osteoporosis, weak or brittle bones, fractures and bone spurs.
  • Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid build-up
  • Low energy and chronic fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Obesity, slow metabolism and inability to lose weight
  • Chronic inflammation
  • High blood pressure
  • Weight gain, obesity and diabetes
  • Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones
  • Slow digestion and elimination
  • Yeast/fungal overgrowth

Both prescription and over-the-counter drugs lower the body`s pH levels, which is the reason why they come with a wide range of side effects and little or no effectiveness.  Enzymes are deactivated when the pH drops below 6.4, which in turn compromises both digestion and assimilation of vitamins, minerals, and food supplements. Acid reduces the energy production on cellular level, the ability to detoxify heavy metals, the capacity to repair cells, and makes the body more prone to illness and fatigue.

Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment, but bacteria, yeast, mould, candida, fungus, and cancer cells thrive in an acidic and low pH environment.  The most common causes of an acidic pH include emotional stress, toxic overload, an acid forming diet, and depletion of oxygen and nutrients.  In turn, the body tries to compensate for acid by using alkaline mineral reserves, which then leads to development of a wide array of diseases.

Insufficient amount of minerals in the diet to compensate for acid leads to acidic build-up in the cells, causing ailments like lupus, MS, arthritis, pain, and fibromyalgia. Cancer cannot thrive in a healthy pH environment. For instance, there is no such thing a cancer of the heart as blood flowing from the lungs to the heart is at the highest pH and oxygen levels. Without the presence of oxygen, glucose goes through a fermentation process, creating lactic acid.  This causes a decrease of pH of the cell. For instance, saliva and urine pH of terminal cancer patients are almost always in the range between 4.0 and 5.5.

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