Cannabis Oil under the Tongue

Sublingual Application

Cannabinoids can be absorbed sublingually with tinctures, with fast-acting benefits equivalent to (or greater than) inhalable options.

If you have been thinking about taking CBD sublingually or medical cannabis through this oral method, you should know a few things before you get started.

What Does Sublingual Uptake Mean?

Sublingual application means “under the tongue”. Sublingual application provides several distinct advantages compared to other forms. Due to the high vascularity of the lips, cheeks, and gums, sublingual medications can enter the bloodstream rapidly and in high concentrations. This speed is especially useful for those who need the medication quickly in emergency situations.

When you lift your tongue, you will notice that you have many visible veins underneath. That is because veins are very close to the surface under the tongue. When you take any kind of supplement or drug sublingually, it is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, where it can provide fast-acting benefits.

Sublingual Method and Bioavailability

Sublingual method produces higher bioavailability, a stronger response to the drug, and a higher concentration in the body.

Sublingual medications also offer an ease of use not easily found in other forms. People with certain conditions may find pills or liquids difficult to swallow.

Sublingual medication also avoid first-pass metabolism. Also known as the “first-pass effect,” first-pass metabolism is the phenomenon where the concentration of the drug is cut down before reaching the bloodstream. This happens to many drugs taken orally.

After being digested, the active ingredient of many drugs is metabolized (or changed) by the liver. These changes lower the amount of active drug in the system. This effect can also be affected by certain liver diseases, such as cirrhosis.

The Best Way to Take Cannabis Oil Under the Tongue

There are two different types of cannabis oil tinctures you can take. If you are using cannabidiol (CBD oil) with a 0.30% THC level or less, there are no psychoactive ingredients. It has many compounds similar to marijuana-derived medications but without cognitive or physical impairments.

If you plan to take a CBD or cannabis tincture, there are three steps involved:

1. Determine the correct dose and draw the oil upward into the dropper (dispenser). If you are taking a cannabidiol (CBD) tincture, there will be a recommended dose on the bottle and a maximum daily intake amount indicated. For medical cannabis tinctures, consult with your health practitioner. There are various factors that influence the amount of medical marijuana a patient may take daily. Discuss recommended doses with your health practitioner.

2. Dispense the cannabis oil under the tongue. And hold it in that position (pooling the oil under the tongue) for a minute before swallowing. This enhances the absorption of cannabinoids through the veins and directly into the blood vessels.

3. Clean the dropper or dispenser with soap and water. This is important to avoid bacterial infection of your CBD or cannabis tincture. Then replace the dropper and fasten the lid tightly to avoid spilling or contamination of your cannabis oil.

Taking CBD oil or cannabis oil is one of the easiest and most convenient methods of consuming cannabinoids. Remember, depending on your body weight; you may need to adjust your dosage.

Should You Take Cannabis Oil on an Empty Stomach?

There is a misconception about taking CBD oil or cannabis oil on an empty stomach. Some people believe that if you take it before you have consumed a meal, it will provide the best results. And the absorption of the cannabis oil will be faster and more effective.

That is false because most CBD tinctures and cannabis oils are not absorbed through the digestive system. Rather, they are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and into cells that transport the cannabinoids throughout the body.

Both THC and CBD are lipophilic. That means the cannabinoid molecules resist attaching themselves to fat within cells and tissues. For this reason, the sublingual method quickly passes the blood-brain barrier (BBB). It does not require digestion to start working. And only a small amount of cannabinoids in oil are absorbed through the digestive tract when taken orally.

Why Choose Cannabis Tinctures Instead of Other Intake Methods?

Sublingual application of medical marijuana may be less prevalent but is still an essential form to consider. As previously stated, sublingual marijuana is an effective way to get the benefits without smoking or ingesting it. This provides advantages not only for those who are unable to take other forms but for the average person as well.

Other Benefits of Sublingual Uptake of Cannabis Oil

In the case of edibles, taking CBD oil orally (or THC) also offers some additional benefits. We already talked about first-pass metabolism and how sublingual medicines bypass it. Edibles, on the other hand, do not perform the same way.

Because of this, some CBD, THC, and other chemicals will be metabolized and changed before circulating, producing different effects compared to their unchanged counterparts. That means fewer “surprises” with regard to the effect of cannabinoids on your body.

One such metabolite is 11-hydroxy-THC. You can likely guess this is a form of ▵9-THC (the most well-known form of THC), and you would be correct. After being processed by the liver, ▵9-THC is converted into 11-hydroxy-THC, which has been found to be much more potent than ▵9-THC and can cross into the brain much faster.

This results in a stronger high due to greater activation of cannabinoid receptors. That isn’t necessarily a good thing. It can result in a higher degree of impairment. Which, for many patients, is not the primary goal.

Many tinctures are made by soaking the marijuana plant in different concentrations of alcohol, causing the cannabinoids and other chemicals to diffuse from the plant into the solvent.

By keeping all these chemicals and cannabinoids from the original plant, as compared to pure THC or CBD extracts, the entourage effect may be achieved. The entourage effect is essentially how many of the chemicals interact to produce new or stronger effects.

Are Cannabis Oil Tinctures Right for You?

Medical marijuana comes in many different forms, some more widely known than others. The sublingual route of administration offers several benefits, including ease of use, ease of concealment, and rapid onset. These can help both people who are unable to take other forms of marijuana due to injury or other conditions and those who could otherwise use different formats.

Consult with a health practitioner before you begin using a new route, including a cannabis oil tincture. Remember, while most people will tolerate cannabis and CBD oil, they contain active substances that can conflict with prescription medications.

Source: DocMJ

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